Farmers need the perfect time to go and plant, work in the field, these kinds of people are looking for guidence
and search the exactly time to make their duties.
Age: average 30 - 60 years old.
Education: High School
Income: $ 800 up.
Name: Jorge Fuentes
Daily Activities: Plant on the field and have employers.
Internet Access: Phone
Many students live far, sometimes I believe they are fortune to have a place to study, but to arrive that place they walk for almost 2 hours
and because of weather condition they could not be ready but with a weather information they can be ready fo any circunstances.
Age: average 12 -18 years old
Education: Going to high School
Income: None
Daily Activities: Walk to schoo to study
Internet Access: Phone
Scenario 1
Many engineers go to make an invesetigation to plant but they don't if the next day will rain or not.
Scenario 2
Go to the swimming pool is a wanderful time to spend with family but they do not know if tommorrow is going to rain or not.
Scenario 3
Because of rain every road has been destroy students must walk to go to the school but they want to be sure if tomorrow will rain.
Students are learning about the different weather stations in the year.
Scenario 5
Because of contamination the weather is changing a lot that's why we cannot be sure if tomorrow will be sunny